1- buy 2-3 dozen corn on the cob- 1 1/2 ears is a one serving.
2- Fill a large pot 3/4 up with water and start boiling.
3- Remove leaves and all silk from corn. Then place 3-4 in water.
This will blanch the corn and remove bacteria and enzymes.
Time blanching: Small ears- 6-9 min. Large- 9-11 min.
The cold water stops the cooking process. Cool for the same blanching time (4-6 min 9-11)
It's the end of summer which means harvest some corn and get to work! There is nothing better than delicious sweet corn in the dead of winter! Follow the instructions below for mouth watering corn that is frozen with no preservatives!
Items needed:
2- 3 dozen of fresh corn on the cob. Salt and Pepper is my favorite.
1 box of Hefty Freezer bags. 1 quart is 2 servings of corn. Up the size for bigger families.
1 large pot
Lots of ice. I save my ice the day before in Tupperware so I have two huge containers.
Preparing from the freezer:
Place in microwave bowl with a 1/2 tablespoon of butter and sugar. Use frozen vegetable sensor or 2-3 minutes. If cooked on stove top heat to medium until corn is warm.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy the organic taste of fresh vegetables throughout the year!
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