Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Chewy Caramel Popcorn!

A winter friendly treat as you fire up the ovens and await the chewy goodness! I love to make this popcorn in the fall time or around the holidays. This recipe was given to me from a friend whose Mom can make anything amazing! I was not a huge caramel popcorn fan until I tried this chewy coated perfection! Best part is that it's easy for an all home made treat!
First you must air pop one cup of kernels. If you don't have an air popper you can feel a paper  lunch sack with 1/4 cup of kernels, fold the top over one inch and put two staples in it and microwave for 2 minutes. While you pop you can start the sauce!

The sauce requires you melting 2 sticks of butter. Then you add 2 cups brown sugar, 1/2 cup of light Karo Syrup and one tsp of salt. Boil for one minute! Remember to stir frequently!

Once popcorn is popped remove kernels that did not pop and spread into two cookie sheets.

Once sauce has boiled for one minute you will add 1/2 tsp of baking soda and 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract.

Your sauce will start to fluff up! Take off heat and keep stirring. Pre-heat oven to 225 degrees.

Take sauce and use a spoon to drizzle on the popcorn.

Once you have poured all the sauce on you will put the cookie sheets in the oven for one hour.Stirring every 15 minutes. 
The popcorn will darken a bit after each time you stir.

Finished product! Let cool before you eat or place in gift bags.

I made chewy caramel popcorn for neighbor gifts this Christmas. It was easy to wrap up in cellophane and tie with ribbon!

Caramel Popcorn (Courtesy of the Kinghorns)

1 cup unpopped popcorn

2 cups brown sugar

1 cup butter

½ cup light Karo syrup

1 tsp. salt

Boil one minute- after you boil ½ tsp baking soda ½ tsp vanilla. Pour over popcorn that has been spread on cookie sheets. Bake 225 for one hour. Stirring every 15 minutes.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tasty Taco Soup!

Hot and tangy taco soup is now one of my favorite winter meals! I think it's the secret ingredient of Ranch powder that gives it that extra something.  No matter what it is your tummy will be singing once this healthy, hot soup touches your belly! My co-worker shared this recipe with me and he used beef but I am a chicken girl so here is my spin on it.

Shred three cooked chicken breast and place in large pot. Add two cans of diced tomato's (juice and all) and one can of black beans drained and rinsed.

Then add one can of red kidney beans (or any bean of your choice i.e. pinto more black)

Then add a half bag of frozen corn or one can of whole corn and olives . Then add half a pkg. of taco seasoning and add about 2 cups of water. You can decide how soupy you want it. The beauty is you can always add more seasoning if you add too much water. Then add 1/2 tbsp of Hidden Valley Ranch Powder. This soup is based on your specific taste. Ranch is strong so you may want to cut back on it if your not a huge ranch fan but I love it! Boil for 5 minutes and simmer for 10. Top with shredded cheese and serve with cornbread or tortilla chips!

Taco Soup
3 chicken breast shredded or 1 lb. extra lean ground beef
2 cans diced tomatoes
1/2 package of frozen corn or ! can whole corn
1 can of black beans rinsed and drained
1 can of red kidney beans rinsed and drained
1 can of olives sliced
1/2 pkg. taco seasoning mix 
1/2 tbsp. of Hidden Valley Ranch Powder
About 2 cups of water ( Add more or less to thicken or thin soup)